When you need the care and maintenance that will keep your vehicle safe, look no further than the VW service center here at Heritage Volkswagen Parkville.

Our expert team provides you and your vehicle with the care that makes the difference. That’s why it’s so easy to schedule your next service appointment, and why we’re sharing a closer look at the signs your vehicle is in need of service.

The Check Engine Light Comes On

Most modern vehicles have a wider range of dashboard lights and icons than the models that have come before. If you’re not sure what an icon symbolizes, you can simply refer to your auto manual. In most cases, however, any dashboard lights, including the check engine light, are good indications that your vehicle needs service or car care. 

The Fuel Efficiency Drops

One of the clearest indications that your vehicle isn’t operating at the top of its capacity is fuel economy. If you notice a sudden and significant drop in mileage, it’s likely that one of the major parts or systems is damaged or that fluid levels are low, and you’ll want to bring your vehicle in right away.

You Hear or Smell Something Unusual

It’s also a good idea to watch for strange sounds or smells. For instance, the brakes will make a grinding sound if the pads are low, and a corroded battery often smells like sulfur. Any sounds or scents out of the ordinary should be addressed as soon as possible.

Schedule Volkswagen Service

No matter what your auto care needs may be, Heritage Volkswagen Parkville is here to help. We’ll ensure your vehicle continues to run smoothly and safely for a long time to come, and it all starts with the next service appointment right here at our dealership.

Categories: Service